Drama (N.Ireland 29 Jun 2018. USA 8 Jun 2018)

Directed by Colin McIvor (Cupcake)

Art Parkinson, Penelope Wilton, Toby Jones, Ian O'Reilly, Emily Flain

Inspired by a true story. Ten year old Tom and his misfit friends fight to save Buster the baby elephant during the German air raid bombings of Belfast in 1941.
Completion : 2017
Status : Complete


In 1941 marksmen from the Royal Ulster Constabulary, following a Directive from The Ministry of Public Security, shot dead 23 animals at Belfast Zoo. They destroyed one hyena, six wolves, one puma, one tiger, one black bear, one Barbary lion, two polar bears, one lynx and giant rat named Hugo. During these turbulent times, a woman secretly walked a young elephant from the zoo each evening to the backyard of her terraced home. There, she cared for and comforted it as the Luftwaffe bombs rained down over Belfast. This is a true story... and our setting for Zoo.

Seen through the eyes of 10 year old Tom, aided and abetted by his misfit friends, this moving adventure unfolds as Tom takes on the fight to save Buster the elephant.


Art Parkinson,Penelope Wilton,Toby Jones,Ian O'Reilly,Emily Flain

Production Info

Genre :Drama
Tagline :
Format :
Runtime :
Completion :2017
Release :N.Ireland 29 Jun 2018. USA 8 Jun 2018
Status :Complete


Director :Colin McIvor (Cupcake)
Producers :Katy Jackson, John Leslie, Jacqueline Kerrin, Dominic Wright.
Co-Producers :
Script Writer :Colin McIvor
Music :
Crew :

International Sales

Metro International Entertainment Limited
16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Holborn, London WC2A 3ED.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7396 5301
email sales@metro-films.com


2018 Seattle International Film Festival, USA
2018 Ajyal Youth Film Festival, Qatar
2018 Giffoni Film Festivall, Italy
2018 Castellinaria International Festival of Young Cinema, Switzerland


Winner Films4Families Youth Jury Award for Best Film, Seattle International Film Festival 2018
Winner Jury Prize – Mohaq Best Feature Film, Ajyal Youth Film Festival 2018
Winner Silver Castle, Best Kids Feature Film, Castellinaria International Festival of Young Cinema 2018
Winner Gryphon Award Best Film Elements +10 section, Giffoni Film Festival 2018


Belfast blitz movie Zoo: How a young elephant was hidden in a back yard
The Irish News, 13 Jul 2018

Zoo: Film Review
Hollywood Reporter 11 Jun 2018

Seattle Film Festival 2018 Winners List
Hollywood Reporter 10 Jun 2018

Film Review: Zoo
Variety, 8 Jun 2018

Film Review: Zoo
Film Journal International, 7 Jun 2018

ZOO   © 2017 A Ripple World Pictures / Wee Buns Production.